Heya Tristan - 8-15-2003
Hey! Just thought I'd stop in and say, "Hi!"

Well, now that that's over, let's get down to business.

Luke will soon be going back to school, at which time he'll have more (Yes, more!) time available to work on the comic. Ironic, no? At that time, I believe that he will be treating us all to a surprise of his own devising, and I'm sure you are as impatient as I to see what it is. Yeah.

In the meantime, I continue my private self-lessons in drawing in the hopes that, one day, in the far future, I will be worthy of perhaps writing a guest comic or two for the site. More developments on that will be forthcoming...

As you can probably tell, I really hate updating like this. Yeah. I do. But I will suck it up and try to update once or twice a week, if only for the good health of this here website. And so, without further ado, I digress...
Crazy Karen's Crack-smoking Mom (soaping) Luke - 8-13-2003
The soaping really doesn't mean anything. Alliteration... need a ryme in there too. No, actually i didn't. Well!! Seeing as Tristan doesn't like to update, and no guest comics have gone up... I'm going to up date.

I got in a car accident yesterday. But that really doesn't matter. Today my neighbor's crazy mom crashed into my brother's car, then she drove off. The rust sprinkled down from Eric's car like snowflakes... all individuals. Different in everyway. We looked to the sky and pondered. Time seemed to stand still. That's when Eric said it... the words that cut into our souls, "Mommy... When will we have enough money to pay for my operation?" My mother looked back at him with tears in her eyes. "I don't know honey... I guess holding down 3 jobs just isn't enough to get you off crutches..." Then we realized the old lady's car was too far off to read the plate. That's when mom lit up her cigarette and smacked eric across the face. "Don't you ever do something stupid like that again, boy! Ya hear me?!" Ok. Enough of that.

Craig should be the next (possibly only) guest comic. Coming up soon... And I've got a mini project in the works. I bet you guys will like it. It's a big improvement on the stuff I've been writing anyways. Maybe I'll stick with it. Ahhhhh... Well see ya guys later. Peace.