Bags Are Unpacked Luke - 8-6-2003
I wake up this morning at 9 o' clock and rush off to work. They tell me to go home, I don't work until 4. Curses! But that wasn't half as bad as what I discovered when I got home. I turn on the computer thinking, "Hmmmm. I wonder what kind of updates Tristan has done. I wonder what kind of cool comics are up. I can't wait!" I click the magic little link and I find something I didn't expect. Nothing. I saw the post I wrote 4 days ago. I saw the blank comic display problem from the removal of the Satan comic. Craig still had a white background in the profile page. And worst of all... we still had the same psychodellic (gay) background. I don't care if i can't spell psychodellic! Here's a recap of 4 days ago.

Luke: I'm gonna be leaving for a few days so you'll be responsible for the upg.
Tristan: Mwa ha ha ha hah a.... the power!
Luke: It's only for a few days... hey! Craig's background is still white...
Tristan: Yeah... I'll get to that... later...
Luke: Change the background sometime too. It's getting on my nerves.
Tristan: Ok. Sure. Right after I fix Craig.
Luke: Ok. Well I'm gonna go now. Cya when I get back.
Tristan: Alright. Have fun :-)