This here's ma corner, Ya yella bellied dirty scoundrel!

So far this site has four corners. That would make it a square. So now I can say, "Our site is really square." What if there were five sides? Duh! I'M THE PERSON READING THIS TEXT AND I'M A MORON!! That's all a part of how to make a good argument. I read it in a book someplace. Make the readers feel like subhumans so that they will listen and believe out of fear. Let me know if it worked. If it didn't, I'm sorry. Tristan grabbed the keyboard and started typing degrading text. I wanted to change it but...but...he said he'd slit my throat. Sorry about that. What was I saying? Oh yeah. What if there were five sides? Well... I wouldn't mention anything about corners then would I? Pentagons just aren't as cool as they used to be.

Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah. That was me talking all about myself. I'm done now. I hope you listened well. It's prime testing material. If any of you have ever been to the Crazy Cult I'm sure you're wondering, "THIS CAN'T BE HIM!!! HIS WEBPAGE LOOKS TOO NICE!" Yeah...I know. I admit to it right now. I stole this source code from Tristan. Heh heh heh. Now everybody's gonna think that it was ME that made it up. Except I just admitted to stealing his code. DURN IT! Foiled again! And I'd have gotton away with it too if it (everybody now!) HADN'T BEEN FOR YOU MEDDLING KIDS! Ohh... are the exclamation marks and all caps sentences bothering you? GOOD! BWA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! err...I'll shut up now.

Hey! No I won't! As of now, I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. All this weird style sheeting... I don't really know what to put next either. I'm just trying to fill up the page. Kyle told a joke today. I'm not going to say whether it was funny or not because that statement may be used against me in a court of law. Here it is...quoting Kyle. Kyle Tracy. Kyle "I don't know his middle name" Tracy. "What's the German term for constipation?" All of our innocent eyes looked at him impressionably. "FARFROMPOOPIN! Ha ha ha!" Sara faints. I vomit bile all over the floor. Nate laughs. He's now under suspicion of being a vampire because of it. We already know what Kyle is.

Alright. That's enough out of me. I'm even getting sick of me. I'm sorry. I'm sure to have loads of stupid stuff all over the place so check it out. It's up in the left hand corner. Don't go clicking the right-hand menu or else you'll leave. And you're not leaving or else. I'm such a wimsical fellow. Sit tight and obey the rules, and we'll have more fun than a barrel of monkeys.