4-7-2003 So Luke...anything good happen today? Ummm...I dunno. Can you think of something Luke?

My burn scab tore open today. It happened at somepoint in trying to get out of Nate's car at least...that's what he says. It was an "accident" he says. My own fault for stepping on my hand he says! Maybe he's right. But I think we all know he planned it. He probably did it for a nice glass of blood on the drive home (See episode 409b, or refer to "Luker's Super Duper Corner" homepage). Luckily my scabs clot up faster than Dave Thomas's arteries. (I feel bad for saying that. Not only was it dumb, but it was disrespecting a great man. Dave Thomas was awesome...If you are stupid enough to argue with that, you can just go eat the crap at McDonalds!)

Hmmmm... (I feel like using more parenthesis) Ummmm... (I don't think I'll do it though) Errrr... (That would sort of be...overkill?) Hey! (Did I used that term overkill right? I don't think I did) Wait... (I do that a lot) Nevermind (Just grab up words I've heard before and have no idea what they mean. Then throw them around in my sentences) Well... (Makes me sound smart) I (like a doctor) think (or an orderly) I (but they aren't as smart as doctors) don't (but hey!) have (Some doctors are morons) anything (I'm a moron) left (I guess that makes me a doctor) to (But...but...I DON'T WANNA BE A DOCTOR!!) say. There. I have successfully filled an entire entry with nothing. I take my bow and leave.