STOP THE PRESSES!! Lukester - 6-28-2003
Oh no!!! The news is already out!!! Luke can't spell!!! AAAARRRGGHHH!!! I had hoped you all would never find out. But now... I guess I just have to admit to my illiteracy. Note that the wendy's comic (which is yet to be named because this whole comic updater thing hasn't been worked out yet) has a misspelled word. The word is... condiment. Spelled incorrectly as.... condament. I know it's a horrible mistake, but I'm sorry. I have a gun in my mouth right now. What's the point in living if you can't spell? So now I am instructing you, the reader, to ignore this spelling mistake. No...don't ignore it. Accept it as truth. That's the way condiment SHOULD be spelled. Very true. Very true, Luke. So instead of pointing it out as an error... hail it as a revolution of written language. Don't let the Man put you down. Even if you are wrong.
Updates. Yeah. We've got that Luke - 6-26-2003
"Scottie likes beans don't you Scottie?" -Nate -Billy Madison
A double quote. Confusing yet...I feel as if it brings all together.

Anyways, about the updates. We have updates. Good ones. Really. I'm not just hyping my own site. A new strip here. We've got a new strip. It feels like i've said that already. Probably because I have said that already.

We're putting up (or have already put up, it depends on how far Tristan is) a
characters page. So now you all don't have to stare at the comic and ponder the quandaries of life, such as... "Who is that guy" You should know who I am!!! I'm the one who keeps posting!!!!! See the face up in the left hand corner? Yeah. That's right. That's my very own rendition of my face. Can't really say that it looks like me...but it's a rendition...oh how i hate that word. Cruel, cruel destiny. Why make me use such words? Yeah. So we'll put up characters as we introduce them. To save your mind the pain of hearing people call other people by their names. THAT'S JUST CRAZY!! I never really call people by their names. I just say "Hey!" untill the person I'm yelling at responds. Usually I have to go through a bunch of people looking back thinking I'm talking to them. It's like, "No, moron. If I were talking to you I'" I wouldn't be doing anything different. You can just blame Dunter for this stupid update. I apologize for his actions.
<Insert Title Here> Luke - 6-22-2003
Hey, kids. Welcome to the Underground Pedestrians Guild. My name's Luke and I'll be your server this evening...or morning...or whatever time of day it is that you're reading this.

First off, thanks a lot for being here to read this, the first update, because God knows hardly anyone is going to read this frickin thing, because hardly anyone ever clicks on the crap links i send them. But apparently you did. And you can consider yourself an honorary member of the guild for it... as if that means anything to you at all. Don't worry. It doesn't really mean anything to us either. Like you, we have no clue what the heck the Underground Pedestrians Guild is. I just kinda thought it was a funny name and then BAM we're naming a site after it. (Don't listen to that!! There really is an Underground Pedestrians Guild!!! The candle of resistance has been lit and it has now become a raging inferno of...uh...FIRE!!! Far too long have cars roamed the streets, putting us walkers in danger. Holding us back. Drivers constantly persecute us for our "primitive" source of transportation. They must be stopped!! The time has come... Pedestrians!! UNITE!!!) Heh heh heh... I bet you wish you could read betwen parentheses don't you?

For your convenience, (saving you the trouble of moving your cursor all the way to top of the screen) you can find today's strip here. True story actually... Yes... I did used to be in the habit of wandering around after midnight... and yes... I did stare at people through their windows... and yes... I do follow people home from their places of work. Well, not really the last part. That's kinda made up, but the rest is true. Kinda... sorta... I'm rambling aren't I? I guess it doesnt' really matter. I don't think anyone's reading anyways. Well. Thanks again. We'll be updating a lot, so be sure to stop by a lot (sorry. I couldn't think of a word that means a lot, but isn't a lot. I'm bad at English. Live with it). Peace out.