The Life of Luke

This is a bunch of pictures that i gathered together because I either thought they were funny, weird, embarassing, you know...whatever. I've got so many pictures here I bet this page would make you eligable to write my biography. Scared? Turn back now.

HA! And I annoy him even more now!


yeah...I really don't know why t-ball needs a catcher. I'm even more clueless as to what i'm doing there.

To this day I don't read books...My eyes always wander off the pages


The great power within my brother and I shreiked for a way out. Isotonic exercise was the key.

My brother. Proof that violence starts in childhood

Pimpin it up on the beaches of Florida

I am the fork. Bow to me

Check out my ghetto brotha

The first of my many attempts to kill adam

Serious migrane...

Kindergarten graduation. I think I'm sneezing...I might be throwing up...

Me and Lauramoron

I'm the devil

Five seconds later that stick is run straight through nate's little heart

We's maddoggin in the hood, yo! maddogin? madogin? madoggin?

Take one down pass it around

Note my obviously better hygeine

Eric suddenly realizes there is no jet engine. "This gift is a joke!" his childish voice shouted. And so the rebellion begins...

I don't know what I think I'm doing here...