My Thoughts: The Journal- Febururererary

Ahh... Feburearyary... It's a time of...coldness... sickness. Stare at the crazy child. He doesn't like you. You should kick him and steal his little bike. Maybe wedge it behind a car wheel to be run over (the bike...not the kid).


I discovered internet radio the other day. Actually...Craig told Nate about it...Actually Craig didn't tell Nate crap. He had to discreetly steal the information from Craigs profile. AND NOW HE'LL NEVER KNOW!!! BWA HA HA HAH A!! Actually...forget all that. Andry told me about it. Um...I've been playing to many video games. The other day I was weeding my grandpa's garden and I thought "These weeds are getting really tough, but if I don't work at them now I won't get the experience for when I have to travel deep under ground and battle the mother weed." I think I need a new brain. But wait, if i need a new brain I can't think well, so me thinking I need a new brain doesn't say much. That required much thinking. NOW I CAN'T EVEN SELL MY OLD BRAIN FOR A GOOD USED PRICE!!! I need to rest my brain. Less thinking...saving resale value.

Eric:"Punk music completely different from the way it used to be. I don't see modern punk any different from pop. Except punk has gotten so annoying I think I'd rather listen to pop. There's only one thing the same between the new punk and the way it started."
Me:"They still suck?"


I've been sick with the flu for the past 3 days. I have these great ideas while I'm delerious like..."american evil" the show that searches out the most evil person in America and elects him as president. That was a great idea. The other one was electric pants. Self-explanitory. I'm sure I could market those someday. Make a fortune. I'd be called the "Father of Modern Pants" or something cool like that...yeah...I like it. Write that one down!