My Thoughts: The Journal- January/December

I'm sure you wake up every morning wondering, "What's Luke thinking right now?" If that's true...Please stay away from me. But for anyone that's bored and not a stalker they can just come here and look at my log and keep track of my life. Maybe I'll be able to keep track of it too.


I didn't study once this week but I aced all my exams (I think...). I looked up at the brick wall when I was done and imagined I was smashing my head into it. It was weird. Fun weekend. Nate and me drove around being bored then came back to my house and turned on super smash brothers. We made the AI fight each other in VS. We bet on the winner. Well...I bet, nate told me to shut up. Then I said somethin about human flesh being a bad flavor for a jelly bean. I was scourged by my mother. She told me my sense of humor is "going down the pipes". Oh yeah. And I got mad that my grandma keeps sneaking around here.

Went over to sara's and rented a movie. DAWN got a pizza. I thought..."I'd better eat all of that so that DAWN doesn't get mad at me..." so I did. Laid around there like I was on drugs until 11:30 then we went home. It might have been past curfew. But my mom was already asleep anyways.

Slept in till 11:30 AM. The timing was uncanny!! :-o We got up and ate a pizza. was a horrible morning. We left the house and started wandering around toledo trying to think of something to do. We decided to go to Cleveland. Actually, I decided to go to Cleveland and Nate decided to turn around and go home. We called up Kyle and killed him. We wanted to go golfing. He said we were crazy. Heh...Heh...heeeeeeeeeeh... Went to nate's grandparents house to get money for bowling. Somehow...I felt like I knew them... Not really. But lying about it seems dramatic. We Bowled with Kyle where I beat all of them by 250. They are so bad at bowling. THEY'RE SUCH LOSERS!!!! THEY CAN'T BOWL!!!! All of us went out to the TCS game. Had to stop at Wendy's first. Not much time for stratagizing though...had to just settle with 2 Jr. Bacons. I know that you were just dying to know that information. Ummm...Yeah. Kyle was driving so we ate all his fries. I kept telling him to drive into the other lane and stuff. He almost listened. We got to the game where Kyle gave me some drugged gum. But...It was good. I owe them 9 dollars for all the money I've borrowed from them today. And they won't get ONE PENNY!!! BWA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! I bought a candy bar there...TWO CANDY BARS. Twix's are so cool....I wish I was a twix...wait...forget I said that. I kept hitting the wall with my elbow. It hurts. So does me knee. Me and nate jumped onto the top of Kyle's van. Bashed it into the window. Ouch. I had this weird dream last night that my brother killed some guy. And I was robbing nate's grandparents... and Nate tried to kill me. Crazy dreams. Peace out.


We've had exams this week. Somehow...I feel like i've said those words here before. I didn't study last night. I was too busy watching tv. I said to myself, "I'll get up early and study." I woke up at 7:35. I barely made it to school on time. But I aced all my exams anyway. Anyways, I'm sure I did better than all of you!!!! So GET OFF MY BACK!

When we finished our chemistry exam there was a lot of time left. Nate said some thing REALLY REALLY stupid. But it seemed funny. So we started laughing...for the next ten minutes. Mr. Farely didn't say anything verbally...but I'm sure he was trying to tell me to stop with telepathy. If only he had the gift...(solumn pause) I punched nate really hard to make him stop. IT WAS ALL HIS FAULT!! HE WOULDN'T SHUT UP!!! GEEZ!!! NATE!!! SHUT UP!!! He hurt my hand. I of these days...I'll have my vengence. Lunch...I think I threatened to kill Kyle today. But what else is new? Oh and I made this crazy photoshop picture of me in Computer II. My ghostly face is soon to haunt the walls of Miss Colemans board. May God have mercy on their souls. Hey! I drove tonight. Gunned it for fun. Daryl told me to stop being smart... But... I am smart!!! Straight A's. In the immortal words of Nate Price just...paraphrased, "Can I help it if I'm better than everyone else?" I'M DEAD SERIOUS HERE!!! DON'T THINK I'M BEING SARCASTIC!!! I'M BETTER THAN YOU!!! YOU AND ALL YOUR FRIENDS COMBINED!!!!

I'm eating salt and vinegar Pringles. We just bought them at foodtown. "Why Salt and Vinegar?" Because no one else in my family will eat them. I hate salt and vinegar...but I'm man enough to eat it. It's all logic... you just have to think about it.


Bwa ha ha!! I haven't been updating every day!!! Take that! YEAH! Can't stop this!

I just got back from the game. I played frickin drums in the frickin pep band. I didn't really do too bad this time...well...I did better than last time. That's all I can say about that. I woke up at 7:35 this morning. My stupid alarm clock thought it was just too cool to go off. Needless to say I killed it. NOT really... But we all have our dreams. But what if someone elses dream comes true? That's bad. That means your trapped in their dream...AND YOU CAN'T GET OUT!!! EVER!!! nope...never never never. I'm rambling again aren't I...? Sorry. What else is there to say..hmmmm...Some little kid kept hitting me at the game. Then he sat down next to me. I was like "..." "..." "(don't touch me)" It's in parenthesis cause i thought it...with my mind of power. My parents were late to pick me up, so i wandered around...imagined I have friends :'( Not really. I did wander around though. I did contemplate knocking nick out of his frickin car and stealing it. But that would've been wrong. And stupid. And...bad. I love those cheers that they do at the game. Especially that V's in the house one. IT'S SO AWESOME!!!! What else...? Nate and me made a cheer. I forgot it though. It was really us... something about buffness. Not just's buff........ness. Forget it. I think I should study for exams...but then the smart part of me I don't need to. Any thing else happen today, Luke? yeah...I shoved Andry heh heh heh. I made a new name. ANDRY. ANDY. ANDREY. ANY. ok. Are you done, Luke? Yes, Luke...I am complete.


I would right now like to apoligize to the 3 people that come here sometimes...I haven't updated for a few days. Sorry about that. I WOULD have...if I'd felt like it... A lot has changed though. I got married...yes I did. We're a happy family of 5...yes we are. The finances have been getting rough though...I'm sorry to say...We're going bankrupt. I lost my job due to all the layoffs that need to go on in the factory I've been working in. I just don't know what to do. I never went to college to get my degree in social engineering. I always thought that since the factory was such a high paying job I would never have anything to worry about...I guess I was wrong. Now my wife and 4 kids are going to have to pay for my mistakes...Well...there is one thing. One thing in my life I've ever invested insurance. It's tough time's...I hope it never has to come down to that.

I had to format this computer this week. I copied all my important files to a cd just before hand. I call it..."the ark". Not really. Because that would be retarded. Yes...retarded. Like this...

Nate: Everybody at YLT had to pick a handicap for the day
Luke: That's dumb
Nate: Yeah
Luke: LOOK! I'm a quadrapelegic! Do my work!
(Nate tries to do math homework with his teeth)
Luke: Hey! I'm deaf! What? What? What? Yeah? yeah? sure...what? yeah...


Boring day...yes...boring day. Got home at parents had gotten an e-mail telling them to delete a "virus" it was really a system file. I had to fix it and that's what I did for the next 2 or 3 hours...yeah. That was my day. I'm watching tv on my computer. I got the software working again. Hmmm...Joe Leiberman...antichrist...makes me think.


Yesterday many things happened...yes...many things that I can't really think of...We did chapel in history class. We had a Red Badge test. I attempted suicide. What can I say... Had an anatomy test. I failed that. Ew. I didn't study. I didn't study for anything. I hate school. I just don't care anymore. Nate came over after school. He had a cold. The snot was dripping onto his lips. Not really. But it sounds sick doesn't it? We went the mall. Walked in circles. Pondered video games at Babbages. Yes...Babbages. Walked in another boring circle. Came home. Ate Spaghetto. Not Spaghettio's! Spaghetti...ghettostyle...word? We left again. Drove around...and around...and around some more. I can't remember if we went anywhere actually...We went to Krogers. They had the cashier of the future machine. Nate used it. I wanted to use it too. So i bought a lighter. The screen said please wait. I didn't know what to do. So i touched it...a lot. That didn't help. I seriously started pacing in circles trying to figure out what to do. Nothing came to me. It went back to the normal menu though. That was good. So I bought my lighters. We went to mediaplay...I just remember that. We ran up the walls. Didn't get very high though. Went in...went out. Went to Target. We looked at hammers and acted like we were going to kill each other. Some guy came and I think we scared him. We looked at hats and gloves. Wanted to buy some...but I don't want to spend my own money on clothes. There are a lot more important things for me to buy. My mom can just buy me clothes. We went to Kohls before that. Noticed that they have insane prices. Threatened to kill myself again but Nate managed to stop me. Have you ever noticed how they line the outskirts of the women's section with underwear. In both Kohl's and Target they did that. I doubt it's a coincidence. They have some reason for it... We came home, went to bed. We were tired. Well...I did say a lot of hyper/dumb jokes when we got back. Then I collapsed in my bed. I was dead. In the head. Yo. I can do this with the sure shot. You can't stop this! It's just too hot. Too hot to handle. Hotter than a candle. I'm rappin these ryme's like Robin C. Curouso. Ok that part just ruined it.

Nothing really happened today...We had to get up early to show up at school to film some of our frickin chapel skit. I had a nonfunny part. Good thing. Whenever I try to be funny I just get weird stares. It was cold out...yes...cold...I've just been sitting around for the rest of the day though.


OOOhhh...busy day. busy busy busy. Well...busy for somebody like me. Slacked off at school all day. Laid my head down on the desk a lot. I was tired. Must be cause i've been getting up so frickin early. mmmm...went the cherry street mission today. I served beef and noodles.I'm not very good at it :( Yeah yeah yeah, "How can you be bad at putting food on a plate?" I'M JUST BAD AT IT OK?!?! GET OFF MY BACK!!! Mr. Kolinski supervised. He ate hot sauce on his salad thinking it was french. As soon as he started eating it he told us that he thought he was eating hot sauce...but he kept going. Finished the whole thing. Then he walked over to the watering trough and drank a lot. We had to wear hair nets. We all looked like morons. I'm a moron!
Me:"What's in out hair that would fall into the food....?"
Bwa ha ha!!! yes...the evilness...what?

Came home and sat around for a bit...ok...a "while". Tried to burn a cd but i got "the blue screen of death" also known as..."the Luke doesn't know how to use his computer" screen. They call it both. I LOST ANOTHER STUPID CD!!! Rgh. I'm very protective of my blank cd's. So then I took a walk. I like walks. I don't mind the cold i take walks. The wind was freezing my face but I didn't really notice, maybe i was too deep in thought... maybe my nerves are dead. I need to shave...I was gonna shave this morning...but then I was too tired. That's how it is every morning :( Anyways... What was i talking about? Oh yeah. my walk. I've realized that walking at dusk is much less threatening to people than walking at 12 am or 1. Sure, there are more cars, but I don't get the weird stares. I was standing on the porch last night and i saw a car i grabbed for the doornob...LOCKED! What do I do? Just stand there and try to look normal... I CAN'T LOOK NORMAL!!! Dive in the bushes. He saw me...he saw me dive into the bushes...he thinks i'm trying to rob my own house...he sits at the intersection for 10 minutes...end of story. Back to my walk and hatred of cars...I hate cars...they hog the rode...think they're better than pedestrians...

Went to Daves Drum Depot tonight. I haven't practiced in like...weeks really. Yeah. So there was a lot of talk. Marty started talking about how much he hates Bruce Springstine. Conversation changed. He talked more about hating Bruce. Then we started talking about rap. He hates rap. I hate rap. We're like brothers. Brothers who hate rap. You betcha. I drove home. Cut some guy off. He was mad. Oncoming traffic has right of way! THINK THINK THINK!! We went to Krogers. I bought 4 candy bars. Gave one to daryl. "Gave" one to mom. She actually stole it and ate it while I was distracted. But that's ok. I don't need that many candy bars...


Waha!! I did it again. Got up at 7. I'm simply amazing. Boring day at school today. Took at history test. Terrified Mr. Regneir with my threatening aura. Yeah. It happens a lot. He's alittle scaredy. I should read the red badge of courage...but I'm not into that whole "WAR" kinda thing. Hmmm...what else. Grandma found my site...crap...I'll say it twice to get an awestruck/horror effect. Grandma found my site...crap. I'm listening to all-star rejects. Good stuff. Yup. Good stuff (thanks to andrew for telling bout them...doesn't matter though. I doubt he ever hangs around here) I doubt many people hang around here.
"Why, Luke?! How can you be so pessemistic?!" (Yes, I know what evil lurks in the hearts of men)
"Weeeeeeeeeell..." I reply calmly being swiftly taken by the building rage, "HOW CAN I KNOW THAT ANYONE COMES HERE IF NOBODY EVER FILLS OUT THE MEMBER FORMS!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!FILL OUT THE FORMS!!! FILL THEM OUT!!! FILL THEM!!! FILL!!! FIL!! FI!!! F!!!!!" You know who you are! fill them out and the wrath of Luke will subside to a tranquil stream of...goodness...yes...goodness. I gotta go to church. Peace out!

Back from church. It was good to be back. It'd been a long time. I met two new people. One was kinda a nerd, but he was really funny. He had memorized pi out to the 50th. Then I drove us (me, daryl, and all the little blue people) home and to wendy's. I had a big bacon classic. Let's all just pretend we care.


Got up at 6:30 this morning. I got dressed and went outside to take a walk. It was cold. Not only was it cold but there were lots and lots of people out driving around their cars. The very people I'm trying to avoid by going out at 6:30 in the morning! They're insane. So I was driven back inside by the powers of evil and I got ready for school. Just before I got ready for school I saw a guy jogging along side his big dog. I didn't think he was weird or anything...that's when it hit me. He's not weird because he has a dog! So I thought to myself, "I want a big dog. Then I can go out for morning walks and not seem like a complete psycho). Then I left for school. It was an ok day at school...felt kinda long.

I got home and took the dog for a walk (thinking, "Hey. I do have a dog...sort of. I can walk her and use it as an excuse to go wander around." So I did. Then came back in the next 5 minutes because my dog is just too small to walk through the snow. Plus, car after car after car after car kept passing me. I hate people in cars. It's a hatred I've developed over the years of being an expert pedestrian. So I come home and Austin sees me. He talked for a bit (notice I say he...he's really hyperactive) and then he starts talking about batman. So I went inside and watched Justice League with him. Then I went upstairs and talked with his dad, Karl. He told me lots of crazy stories about when he was younger and told me all about his old hobbies and stuff. Then he took me downstairs and showed me his range persision rifle. And he showed me how to make bullets. And he showed me all sorts of magazines. We talked about it for a while and then it was getting late, round 8 o' clock, and I felt like I had to get home and do this. He invited me to come to the range with him some time when the weather warms up and I said that it would be fun. Hmmm...I know you probably didn't care about any of that...but that's what happened today. AND THIS IS MY JOURNAL AND I'LL WRITE WHATEVER I WANT!!!! Peace out.


Whew. Got up at 7 am this morning. I was tired...really tired... I'm sure that anyone who gets up that early must be tired. I mosied on down to the tv where I watched tv for the next half hour (great reason to get up early huh?). Took at shower at 7:30 and still wound up late to's gotta be the puppy chow.

We got all new music in band today. Miss Youngblood gave me 2 different instrument parts to the same song. In a genius move, I attempted to play both at one. It didn't work. Then we had History. I thought we were gonna talk chapel but we didn't. I was enraged. Flipped a few desks. Punched a couple mouths. That kinda thing. We had to sit there and do a chapter review the whole hour. I thought I was going to throw up. I wasn't really sick...I just was afraid of the shame I would feel if i suddenly threw up. That's when the panic sunk in, and I thought I was really going to. It would've been all over Ryan probably...Anyways. Got through that. We presented out English project today. It was amazing. When we walked up in front of the class a strange light reflected off a car winshield and lit us as if a light from heaven. Brian spoke with the voice of thunder and all gave ear to his words.

Lunch lunch lunch. I don't like those 3 l's. I like to through food myself...I wanted to hit suzy in the head with an orange I found. Would have been fun. I probably would have missed and hit Weston though. Heh heh heh. "missed". Juuuuust kidding. Weston's pretty cool. Hmmm...onward. I was like a dead man in the next 3 classes. My eyes grew blag sacks underneath them, body turned limp, skin pale. The hair on top of my head turned gray and the fangs in my mouth thirst for blood.

Lauramoron didn't go home with us today...yeah...she thinks she's too good for us I guess. Her and her cheerleading friends. They cheer for the homeschooled team. bwa ha ha. Tristan gave me a ride home, so only Becca was in her mom's car. Tristan and I discussed the meaning of the word "bubble" until it was 7:30 and he had to go home. Yes...home...a place far off from a natural man's reaches. I read some of the fellowship and now I'm here. I'm gonna get up early tommorow though so I'd better go now. Peace.


Nate and Brian just left. They had to come over today and help finish the timeline for English. I hate english. And i hate the red badge of courage...Jolie thinks she's too good to join my frickin cult. I guess we'll show her (we meaning me and the little blue people that follow me around everywhere).

Hmmmmm...haven't done much today...not much at all. This is probably the biggest thing I've done all I would be at my family's house right now if it weren't for the project. But I'm not. I'm home, alone and bored. The phone!!!!

It was my mom's sister. That's all I have left to say about anything. Bye.


Nate and me went to the basketball game last night. Becca's mom started talking to Nate, thinking he was me. She was talking to him bout this crazy cult and stuff. I thought it was funny. I think they felt a little uncomfortable after the mistake though. yeah. Then we went over to the was closed. So we went to Circuit was closed. Then Nate was forced to go into Barnes and frickin Nobles. I wanted to get the two towers (even though I haven't finished the first book. I've read the first half 4 times though. That has to count for something). Nate sat in the corner. I guess he didn't want to sip on a cappichino and discuss philosophy with everyone else in the store. I searched for my book for a long, long time. I still don't understand how they file their books. I'm kind of a moron like that. I bought the book at the cashier kept trying to talk to me. She was just too old for me...bout 30 years too old. Went to the Pharm afterwards to pick up some posterboard for the Civil War project. I cut myself on the board due to my catlike swift movements. We also picked up some strawberry and vanilla wafers, drove by Dollar Giant and threw them at it to show them what real wafers taste like. It was a nice little drive by.

Got up at 11:00 then laid awake in bed for a half hour. We didn't really talk or anything. We just slept. So i guess we weren't really awake. Left for Brian's at 12:30 or something. We were actually on time! Not early, not late. We worked on the project for about 2 and a half hours while harassing his friends on aim. We didn't really harass them...We wouldn't do that to Brian. Well...I guess it would be ok. He has a lot of friends, he won't miss them if we only mess up a couple. We left at 3 but we weren't really done. Brian was leaving to see a movie. We come back and start cutting out the stuff for the poster board. Nate doesn't know how to use scissors, neither do I. Plus, it's just too much work. All the coordination needed. So we drove all the way over to Nate's to get a paper shearer, just because we're too lazy to use scissors. We got to his cold, lonely, dead house and he called sara because she left a message. We came back and had chile. I tried to put some crackers in mine but...they exploded :(. Too bad. I had to clean it up now.

So we ended up going to the game tonight. It's just weird...two games...two nights in a row. I feel like I'm doing to many things. I need to stare at a wall for a couple hours or something...I even feel like I'm doing something when I watch tv. It's kinda weird. I'm kinda weird. Yeah. My big bullying brother is kicking me off now so...peace.


Woke up at 8:30 this morning. Couldn't fall back asleep. 10 minutes later I realize it's because my alarm is going off. Turn it off and roll over. My mom woke me up around...11:00. Nate was on the phone. Took the phone and talked to him. I didn't like talking. I was too tired. I told him that he could come over. So he did. Sat around for a few minutes. Realized we were bored. "Let's go to Brians. We'll be really early. It'll be funny." It wasn't. There's a big difference between funny, mean, and dumb. This was between mean and dumb. We got to Brians and he was still asleep... his mom let us in after we threatened her. We said we'd kill her dogs. She let us in, but we killed them anyways. I'm a liar. We waited around in the basement for about a half hour watching his "tv". I wanted to play pinball but it would be too loud. That would add to our intrusiveness. We looked at all his disney movies... "Wow...he's stolen a lot of disney movies," I thought. Lots and lots. His brother came down. I was like, "HEY DUDE! GET OUTTA MY HOUSE, YO!!" He didnt' listen to me. I'm a liar. Brian came down. He was still half asleep. So i beat him up a bit. A good warrior always takes advantage of the situation. I'm a liar. We went upstairs and thought of doing our project for about 15 minutes. Then we decided not to. We sat at his computer doing nothing (music, websites, tetris...yeah...that kinda crap). We're gonna fail. Nate and me are gonna do some of it tonight.

Left his frickin house at 2:15 to get my frickin temps. So I got my frickin temps

Nate came over again. We had nothing to do, so we went to Wendy's. The greatest place for freaks. We're the most normal people there. Not just the workers are extremely awkward and weird looking, the people that eat there are too. The one in Lambertville. Yeah. I know my Wendy's. I ate a jr. bacon in 2 bites. Now I can die in peace, knowing I'm twice as good as Kyle at everything. Everything...EVERYTHING. Major stratagizing took place. I got 3 jr. and a chicken nugget. I get a well balanced meal that way. Nate dumped out his frosty on his tray. Why?


Journal, journal, journal. I gotta update the frickin here i go! Whoopeeeeeee...

Tristan came over yesterday. We wandered the streets of the city and across the bridges between time (whatever I mean by that deep statement. I don't even know). It was fun...yet...oddly cold. Like the claw of death upon my back, only...not so...Hmmm...makes me think. He left at 11 and that was that. Got up this morning at 10:30, 2 hours past when my alarm was set...yes...late...i woke up late...very late..yes...late. Stumbled onto the computer, where i tried to finish my work. I didn't...Went to the dmv today. Through the storm. was bad. The computers were down. I don't get that. Why do computers go down? My computer never goes down. I think it's people that don't know how to use computer that make them go down. That's my theory. Remember that. It's gonna be in every math book some day. So i didn't get my temps. Went the the library where I had to sign up for a new frickin card. They have dumb computers too I guess. I got the Taming of the Shrew. I wonder if i'll ever actually read it. I didn't go to Lauramoron's house tonight for the family Christmas party because her mom got food poisoning. Ew...that's too bad. I hate food's bad...real bad...

I think the site got one more regular today. That makes four regulars (counting myself. Hey! I do come here all the time). So I guess pretty soon we'll be having at hundred regulars by the end of next week. I used my advance math techniques to figure that one out.

I've been thinking...I know a lot of people who know famous people. A lot of people know me...therefore...I'm destined to be famous. Wow. It's so easy. I'm suprised I hadn't seen it earlier.


I don't celebrate New Year's. Never have...doubt I ever will...unless of course my friends make me. I just don't see how it can be a holiday. It's just celebrating a date on the calender. Like...Presidents Day celebrates our presidents, Columbus day celebrates Columbus, Halloween celebrates...I dunno...something....It sure doesn't celebrate October 31st. I know that at least. New Year's celebrates...New years...why is it a new year? Because the calander says so! I for one don't go along with the calender. I broke away from the mold. I celebrate my new year on March 15, because I base my calender off the number 8. DUH! You can all come over to my house and have a party then...I won't let you in. But you can come over. Maybe set up folding tables in my neighbors yard...because if you did it in mine i'd call the cops. yeah...the cops....the cops....yeah...

Ha. I overslept again today. Got up at 8:30. Went straight to my work. I don't know if what I did was right...I was half asleep. I stumbled down the stairs and almost died...Well...I would've died if I'd have fallen...I would've fallen if I'd been stumbling...I'd have been stumbling if i went straight down the stairs from my bed. Which I did. But I wasn't stumbling really...So forget everything I just said. It's 10:30 at night. I've worked a good 7 hours today. My brain hurts. That would explain the crappy homepage I uploaded...Tonight is just blurrrrr...I'm listening to Saves the Day right now. I bet you wish you could be me...sitting here...listening to Saves the Day...yeah...wish you were me. I grabbed a hat to put on my ugly mass of hair today. My old baseball hat from the 6th grade when I was on a team. Didn't get one hit all season...well...I got some fouls...but I could never hit it straight. Anyways, it's ironically really big on my. I must've looked like a moron when i was in 6th grade. Wait...I know I looked like a moron in the 6th grade. I still look like a moron. The school is ashamed of me. That's why you never see me in their little videos. I'm just too awkward looking. People would accuse the school of making students up. No one can look that weird!!! Not really (that they would accuse the school of lying, not not really that I'm really weird looking). But hey! I'm filling space.

Oh yeah. I got my temps today. Not really my temps but...a thing that says I can go get my temps. Oh boy! I ran a stop sign while with my instructer. I started to argue with him that it was his fault. I figured, "Hey, It's my last day" He got mad...really mad...started yelling. Threatened to not give me my temps. But he calmed down after I shut up. Another thing that kinda screwed me was that he was telling jokes while I was driving. Not that they were funny and I swerved into oncoming traffic or anything. Actually it's the opposite. I've been born with the curse of not being able to fake a laugh... Well...I can sort of fake one. But it takes all my concentration and it still seems really artificial. So I think I offended him by not laughing at any of his jokes...yeah...that must be it. Ok. It's late. I'm gonna upload my stuff now.


Lots of stuff happened today...not really, but we can still pretend. Got up at 7:15... wait... 7:45... wait... 8... wait... 8:15... wait...8:30. I'm lazy. Kept hitting the "SNOOZE!!!!" button. Showered, decided to do nothing with my hair and in doing nothing something good would come about. Worked on invoices from 9:15 to 10:15. Then Eric drove me to Bedford where I drove with the instructer. Eric always speeds when he hears a song he likes... It's especially bad when he takes his hands off the wheel to pretend he's holding a mic. That's always scary. We went downtown. We meaning the instructer and us. Us meaning the students of the instructer. Tower 98 was on. I don't mind it so much now...It wasn't so much dance music as the last time. I was in the back listening to the way cool radio. It was pretty good...until Dillema came on. Then i started slamming my head against the window. My forehead began to bleed. I wrapped my hands around my neck and started to choke the life out of was the guy next to me. yeah. I choked the life out of him. ha. Poor Rob...He wishes he could drive as good as me. Not really.

Got back and had a grilled cheese sandwich. Eric and me went to the dentist at 3. I had spit build up. He wouldn't let me i held it. Finally i roll down the window and spewed it out. "You're queer." he says to me. I just laughed. "Queer as in gay!" He said. I laughed some more. I don't argue with him. He'd beat me up. We almost hit some crazy guy on the street, while pulling into the dentists. Too bad. Would've been fun. ok. Amy Baker's friend's mom cleaned my teeth. WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!! What a small small small small small small world. We talked about school, golf, football, college, careers, her daughter (of whom I am a certified expert), dog's being nuetered, animals that eat carpet (i think it resulted in some sort of anal surgery), world domination, the color blue, and...THE PARANORMAL. That sort of thing (not really...I'm a liar). It was pretty cool. That's the most I've ever said to a dentist in my life. I don't like to usually talk to them...They have evil intentions. So now I'm back here. It's almost 5 o' clock and I'm not sure of what else to say...We have tuna for dinner tonight.

Know what...I'm gonna grow a beard...someday. Someday.


Nate (Price. The Nate I'm always talking about unless I say otherwise) came over at 7 last night. We ate my parents jelly beans and went off to the mall. Wandered around the mall for a while...then Nate got some Magic Wok. I got some Futuristic ice cream. The future doesn't look so good. Before I had left, I ate a whole oven cook pizza...then the dippin dots set it off. I thought I was gonna puke. So I walked down to the arcade in the mall, leaving Nate to eat his chicken fried rice. Once I got over my chlostrophobia, I was fine. 8:30, we left for the car. Called Tristan on the cell phone. Nobody ever answers their phone. So we go to Best Buy. I have a 30$ gift certificate for Christmas. "What should I buy? What should I buy?" It was exciting. One of the few times I buy something at Best Buy. They didn't have much. Place was cleaned out for Christmas season I suppose. Couldn't wait for the begining of the month when they restock (notice how much I know about Best Buy. I should work there...but they don't want me too...), so I decided on the Sims. "Fifty Bucks!! Fifty Bucks!!!" I said, "Why would I spend that much when I can just steal it off the internet?!" Right as I was saying that a worker walked up and asked how everything was..."fine..." I should watch what I say. Best Buy has eyes everywhere...

We drove over to Tristan's. Saw his car in the parking lot. Walk up to the porch and I slipped and died. Well, I would have if i wouldn't have caught myself (although nate says he would've stuck his foot out...whatever good that would have done). I think his parents sprayed that porch on purpose. Keeps away unwelcomed guests. His parents weren't home and he was babysitting. So we just hung around his house till 10:30 or so. Then Nate and me went back to my house. Tristan came over at 11:30. We watched a "classic" then went to sleep (after 3 microwave burritos).

Got up round 9:30. Watched "Conan the Destroyer" on TNT. Good movie...kinda...sorta...well...yeah...Went upstairs and killed some Sims. Tristan left at 3. Nate and me left to drive around. Ended up at Dollar Giant. We said, "This is so cool!! Everything is a dollar or under!!!" Until we came across a four dollar item which sent me into an uncontrollable rage. I bought some wafers. "I love wafers," I thought. "Even if they are stale!" Yeah...they were beyond stale. They tasted like rat poison (whatever that tastes like). Nate says, "Tastes like carboard." I say, "No! Tastes like crap!" Threw them up against the dollar giant wall. That's what I think of their wafers. It's right next to Big Lots you know. So we went in there. Looked at axes 'n whatnot. Whatnot. WHATNOT! I bought some chocolate covered peanuts. Hoped it would get that nasty wafer stale taste out of my mouth. Nate made the worst buy of his life on a stupid little radio. He felt pressured into buying it because I was buying so much stuff. AHHH!!! It needs triple A's! He goes in dollar giant to get batteries. "I doubt they'll work," I say. I sit in the car eating my chocalate peanuts. He comes back out and puts in the batteries. They worked. The radio didn't. He throws it in the back seat. Piece of crap.

Nate drops me off at my house around 4. I go see the Two Towers with Lauramoron. Yeah. Second time I've seen it. It was pretty butt hurt really bad though. I can't sit still for 3 hours. It hurtses. Oh, Lauramoron said something really funny too...What was it...? Oh yeah. We were in the previews thing were they tell you all those stupid facts that nobody cares about. It said something about an actor who was in Operation: Desert Storm. Laura turns to me and asks, "Was Desert Storm good? I've never seen it?" I stare blankly back at her...stare some more....and some more...."Desert Storm was a war Laura..." I finally reply. "I know that," She says, "I just thought they made a movie about it" More blank staring from me. Heh heh heh. Sorry, Laura. It was one of the highlights of my day. Therefore...I must speak out. Went to Wendy's after the movie where we did some major stratagizing. At least 5 jr. bacon's were purchased. Funny thing, none of them were mine. I actually just went with a number 1 this time. Gave away my drink. Fluids are for the weak. Got back at 8:50. Not it's 9:30. And I'm done.


Got up painfully early at 9:15. My uncle gave me a ride to the library at 9:45. My parents handed the job over to him which bought me 10 more minutes of free time. Whoo pee! They asked if I wanted to see the Two Towers tonight. I said I can't. I might be doing something with Nate (the cousin) today and if not I'll be working. I browsed through the video section for about 15 minutes at the library. They have some cool videos, I even saw Zoolander there. Why that is at the Monroe County Library...none can begin to fathom...I saw a big book with the words Saki on it. "Who's Saki" I ask myself. And so I read on of the short storied in the book. It was about the narrator (must be Saki) takes his cousin, Reginald, to a garden party and he's a jerk. That was the story. I still don't know who Saki is. Someday...

I walked over to Bedford High School because it is right next to the library (hence, I was dropped off at the library). We drove...and drove...and drove...I got bored. Doesn't usually happen when I'm in a moving vehicle, but today it did. They were listening to Tower98...I hate Tower 98...I hate Tower 98...I hate Tower 98. But I'm not gonna go into that. Blah. I got back, cleaned the bathroom, and HERE I AM! Oh yeah. Tristan got his car stolen. He works at the frickin zoo. Somebody stole it while he was working...=O (gasp, choke, hack). I'm sure they'll find it though. I wonder if I'm gonna end up doing something tonight or end up sitting around the house...Either one would be fine with me. I've been really busy lately (random luke fact #1: Doing "stuff" for more than 5 hours of a day qualifies me as "really busy"). I was supposed to work on my Civil War project with Nate and Brian today but we all forgot. Yeah. It's never gonna get done.


My friends always sign off without saying gets on my nerves...Anyways, Crap. Mom's yelling at me. Says the soup's gonna spoil.

Alright...back. So today I went over to my Grandma Fetterman's to celebrate Christmas. It was fun. I got clamps. We did some sledding where Nate (the cousin) "broke" his knee. Yeah. That was funny. I gotta get up early tomorrow. 8:30. Driving and stuff...I'm gonna have to hang out at the library for an hour though because that's the latest my parents can get me into that general area. What the heck am i supposed do at the library?! I'm slow...HEY! Today was the biggest shopping day of the year!...But I didn't nevermind. Baha! I drove again today. We went over expressways and crap. I did a perty darn good job I'd say. He always plays star 105 on the radio. It's ok...but i'm just not into that Aqua stuff. Gets on my nerves. They were playing a lot of new wave today too. I don't like new wave but I guess today I did.


I was right. I am sick. My brother says that the only reason I'm sick is because of some psychological thing called "Self-Fulfilled Prophecy". Maybe...but what does he know? He's crazy anyways. Crazy people...yeah...I'm listening to Jimmy EAT World right now. It soothes the throbbing going on in my head. I really haven't done anything today seeing as I'm "incarcerated". I've just been working on this frickin site and all the frickin pictures. Yeah...that kinda stuff. I drove with Daryl today to get used to the snow, seeing as I'm gonna have to drive tommorow. I did pretty good actually...So the problem isn't me. It's my frickin instructer. All his yelling, screaming, gripping the seat, putting the gun in his mouth...Just makes me nervous. I can't take it! He's crazy! The the more nervous he gets the more nervous I get, making me a much worse driver. I'm gonna have to do something about this.

Well, it's Christmas. There's gotta be something better for me to do.


My family has a curse. Every year somebody has to get sick. Whether it's the flu, a cold, the black plague, you know...whatever. It's always somebody that has to ruin Christmas with their germs. It's not my fault. It's those stupid people that try to ignore they're sick and go running around all over the city laughing about their spread of disease. I hope they're happy. The curse fell on me this year. I think I'm gonna be lying on the bathroom floor barfing out Christmas dinner tomorrow morning. It can't be avoided...It just happens. It happens every year. Usually it's Eric that gets it but not this year. This time it's gotta be me.

I'm driving now. Got my little certificate that says I can. I can't tell whether I really am a bad driver or if my teacher is just screaming at me for no reason. I have a stronger tendency to beleive the second one because as everyone knows: Ignorance is Bliss...Especially when you're driving. Yesterday I almost got in a couple accidents and my instructer started yelling profanities. "YOU'RE GONNA GET US KILLED!!!" he said. I choked back my smile when he said this. Why was I smiling? I don't know. Anyways...Today i almost got in a head on collision. I don't really know what's going on around me. That's just how I am. And that's exactly why I'm a horrible driver. My instructor told me to take a left up and the light. So i swerve into the left lane and just about hit some guy waiting to turn to my right, his left. Wow...That's the most retarded mistake I've ever heard of, and I'm the moron that did it. There's plenty more where that came from.

Please...Please...I...I can't take it anymore!